purposes of chart of accounts

What finance technique we should have

Moderator: Shumphilip

purposes of chart of accounts

Postby game » Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:08 am

 the same set of account codes apply to all departments, locations and all companies
 delete unused account code, 0 for the last 12 months
 divide unclear account code into two or more clear account codes such as 3rd party, Inter-company,self own and subcontracting
 change the description to clear and full description
 combine two different accounts with the same nature, one account code, one nature of expense
 description should be supplemented by analysis code
 a pair of revenue and cost account to identify problems, same suffix for the income and cost as much as possible
 sorting the account code by some logical sequence such as by description, re-order the numbering
 group A/C by a particular cost centre or by type such as inter-company and fixed or variable costs
 different accounts for currency, intercompany, own/subcontracting, fixed and variable
 remove duplicate by description
 grouping according to statutory reporting such as rental should be grouped under the same group before numbering
 group account meaningfully for management purpose by group account.
 Add trade deposit account
 Account Rebate entitled account
 Add other subsidiary's account codes if the group chart of account do not have to provide full set of account codes for the group companies
 use positive current account accounts only to facilities elimination
 Translate the description into Chinese by Google
 Amend from existing account codes, try to maintain if possible
 Set up analysis code if necessary
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Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:49 am

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