Contract Project Manager for system implementation in logistics industry
- Setting up best practice, organization, segregation of duty, internal control, workflow, KPI
- Consolidating user requirements according to company successful factors, business strategy and future planning
- Selection of Operation and Accounting software or system design
- Propose alternative procedures if New system may not cater for all requirements or New Accounting system is weak in some areas
- Testing the existing procedures and new requirements against the new system, system bug and user friendly processing
- Training, daily, monthly end and year end processing
- Staffing planning such as super user selection and recruitment of additional staff
- Change management
- Decide the most suitable date of system implementation
The Benefit of Contract Project Manager
- Best practice before system implementation
- Implement a new operation and accounting system that you are not familiar with, e.g., new service as result of acquisition of a logistics companies with different business scope
- Hire outside consultant tests this system, but company staff are still be able to suggest changes for more successful procedures
- If the company sees the implementation as an Accounting or IT project, it may not receive the appropriate support and will likely fail. A collaboration of buy-in and ownership is essential for success
Automated Best Practice
The function of Automating best practice is to help your company to grow at the lowest costs and risks and at the same time in the most efficient way by identifying the critical problems and successful factors, setting up measurement system, KPI, best practice and finally by automating process and control.
It includes:
- Assess the existing problems, critical potential risk and make constructive suggestion
- Agree and set up the best operation practice based on the actual conditions, organization, segregation of duty, workflow, KPI, reward
- Agree and set up the best accounting practice based on the actual conditions, efficiency, effectiveness, and company strategy
- Automate operation process
- Automate accounting process
- Set up Customer Relationship management system
- Set up Internal control and risk management manual
- Set up Cost Reduction, Contract management & procurement policy and procedure
- International tax planning
- Assess listing opportunity
- Assess reward system
- Recruitment of talent/suitable staff if necessary
- Assess the opportunity of outsourcing
- Operation, Procurement, Sales KPI
- Pricing, Marketing, Promotion, location strategy analysis